Monday, 17 December 2012

A Big Compliment from My Little Toddler

I have already told you that I’m not a great cook. I always try to make my dishes taste and look as they are supposed to; but most often than not end up failing at this attempt.

Making Chapattis was no different. Sometimes the dough was too hard, sometimes too soft and on very few times, it was perfect. And on those rare occasions, the chapattis also raised up nicely when I put it on the flame. But the fact is I was never proud of my efforts with Chapattis; nor did I think I was worthy of any compliments.

Until Panshul gave me one!

Yes, kids are amazing you know – they observe and take in everything around them.

Chef Panshul helping me make Banana Milshake
This is what happened – we were watching Doraemon (again!) together. In the commercial break was the Aashirvaad Atta ad, where the mother puts the Chapatti on the flame and it raises immediately to suggest that the Chapatti is absolutely soft, perfectly round and beautifully cooked.

The instant Panna saw that fluffy Chapatti on TV, he remarked delightedly, “Amma-du Chappati haage ala” (That Chapatti is like Mamma’s Chapattis, isn’t it?). That was his way of saying that his Mamma also does soft, round and delicious Chapattis! For me that was enough of a compliment! That one little moment made my day!

I may sound like I’m making a big deal out of a simple statement that a 2 year old said while watching TV, but who doesn’t like compliments and a little pat on the back? And if it’s coming from your son, then it’s the best that can happen to mother, isn’t it?

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