Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Nagappa Special Tea at 11:00 am

My office had a coffee vending machine. And I and my colleagues often made endless trips to the enticing machine to get varieties of tea and coffee.  

Well, the greatest advantage of this vending machine was that it was always there for us; whenever we felt the need for a beverage, be it at 9 am, as soon as we reach office, at 1 pm as we head into a meeting; postponing lunch, at 5 pm chai-time with friends or just before heading home at 7 pm. Also, the vending machine gave us the luxury of choice. We could have Latte, Espresso, Mocha, Ginger Tea, Lemon Tea, Masala Tea, Soup etc. And of course, for me, the mere presence of the vending machine and its constant buzz was a reminder to take a break from my otherwise break-free thinking and writing.

So, a coffee vending machine in the office is always a good company to have.

Then suddenly one day, the good old machine was gone. I haven’t bothered to find out why and how, but what I do know for sure is that no coffee machine meant no more unlimited coffee breaks and definitely no varieties of coffee and tea!

Nagappa Special Tea sitting pretty on my desk
However, luckily for us, in place of the vending machine, we now have Nagappa - the polite and extremely humble watchman cum care taker of the three-storied building where my office is located to serve us tea and coffee. Nagappa prepares tea and or coffee twice a day – at 11 am and at 3 pm. Of course, it’s just one type of tea or coffee that he serves – the Nagappa special. But no one is complaining.

We all simply love the tea that he prepares. I like it so that every day by 10:30 am, I start craving for Nagappa’s tea. Soon, I hear delightful sounds from the pantry – of glasses being washed, stove being lighted and cups being arranged on the tray, which reassure me that my favourite tea is on the way.

In no time, Nagappa is beside my chair, with a faint smile on his face and holding a cup of tea.
Tea thagolli madam (Take your tea, madam) he says and hands me that delicious cuppa. I thank him; he nods, appreciating my gratitude and then goes to my colleagues.

One sip of that wonderful mixture and its an absolutely bliss!

What makes Nagappa’s tea so special is that it has all the right ingredients in the right quantities – lots of tea leaves, a little milk and water, just the right quantity of sugar. It is brewed perfectly that served with utmost humility.

Nagappa’s 11 am tea makes my day. Every day.

Thank you Nagappa.